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Saturday, July 30, 2011 @ 8:24 PM | 0 Comment [s]

hahahaha!!!!pejam celik_pejam celik esk da nk pose an....
x sngke an....
ps2 nk rye plak...
kpda semua mmbe2 aq, aq nk ucp slmt berpose ea....
bsme2 la kite  bpose kt asrma  smk db y 'tercinta'

erm,ptg ni da nk blk ostel tp x per....bln pose ni blk tiap2 mggu!!!
he3....x dek la serabot sgt kple otak aq ni......
bljo lg,asrma y mcm pe tah.....
erm,,,penimg pale aq ni!!!

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Hello There.
my name is Farahanim
18 years old
studying at UITMPP
hypocs are not allowed here !
i'm LIKE MR N !


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Copyrigt : Nur | Izzati
Helpers : Rusye